Sweetwater's 150th Official Sponsorship Letter
Dear Business Owner,
The City of Sweetwater will celebrate its 150th birthday on December 8, 2025. Throughout 2025, we are planning festivities to commemorate Sweetwater’s past, celebrate our present, and cast a vision for our future. Here are some of the things we are planning:
A Sweetwater Fair- old-fashioned event with agriculture, contests, vendors, music, the Fairest of the Fair, and more! This is currently planned for September 2025.
Events and ceremonies throughout the year- parade floats, history videos, public art, candlelight business 25 years or more!
Incorporating the 150th birthday into our annual events with themed parade floats, ceremonies, and vendor booths to sell 150th merchandise.
Businesses will have a unique opportunity to purchase an ad in a special 150-Year Pictorial History book that WMTY 98.3 Radio will publish in conjunction with the city in late 2024 to commemorate the city’s 150th Anniversary. This will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your business to showcase its rich history and celebrate Sweetwater’s milestone. More information on how you can participate in this special piece of history will be forthcoming.
We invite you to follow along and participate in this monumental time in the following ways:
1) Follow our website and social media:
Help share these events and posts on your platforms!
2) Attend the activities!
3) Sponsor the fair or events- any amount will help these events be the best they can be! A sponsorship form is included with this mailing.
4) Join our volunteer group or offer your employees a day off if they volunteer for this committee!
5) Help promote Sweetwater by tying your business activities into these events- maybe promote a special sale with some item priced for what it cost 150 years ago or 50 years ago! Post old photos of your business! Recognize your longest serving employees! Sell Merchandise with 1875 or 150th incorporated into it! So many ideas and things you can do to join in the fun and celebrate your own business!
6) Put up posters and put “1875” and “150” everywhere you can!
7) Just let us know you’re interested and support this!
We’re so proud of Sweetwater and all the business owners who make our community so special. We’d love to have you involved in our celebration! Please email Jessica Morgan at [email protected] or Committee Chairman Tommy Millsaps at [email protected] with any ideas or to volunteer!